Today, the Partnership for Employer-Sponsored Coverage sent letters to President Joe Biden and Congress outlining policy principles and priorities important to ensuring employment-based health coverage continues to thrive for millions of hardworking Americans and their families.
The letters address both near-term COVID-related challenges and longer-term health policies. Policy principles important to employers that are highlighted in the letter include:
Preserve and strengthen employer-sponsored health coverage
Promote innovations and diversity of plan designs and offerings for employees
Uphold the current tax-treatment of employer-sponsored coverage
Address health system costs and challenges
Provide employers with compliance relief from burdensome regulations
The following is an excerpt from the letters. The full letter to President Biden is linked HERE and the full letter to Congress is linked HERE.
No public health crisis has been more challenging in our nation’s history than the current COVID-19 pandemic. P4ESC is extremely grateful for the care our nation’s health professionals, doctors, nurses, nursing aides, and first responders have provided to Americans during the pandemic. We are also very thankful for the pharmacists, pharmacy aides, and volunteers staffing vaccination sites throughout the country that stand ready to help vaccinate millions of frontline workers and the general public.
Vaccinating Americans against COVID-19 and getting our economy back on track are goals we share with you. As organizations representing small, medium, and large businesses employing millions of hardworking Americans, we have a vested interest in ensuring that mass vaccination efforts succeed, and our nation’s economy moves forward. We welcome any opportunity to help in the public education campaign on vaccinations, including disseminating information to our member businesses and their employees and provide input on policy development and compliance relief measures for employees and employers. Additionally, employers are seeking clarification on their ability to offer employees incentives to vaccinate without running afoul of federal laws.